Translating the video "Shigesato Itoi Plays Mother2" part 2

Itoi: He had been home but was selfish to come here. I didn't know that.
Bose: Nonsense!
Picky behaves as if he's older than Pokey.
Itoi: Take this. I don't serve. you enjoy.
Bose: Mach Pizza.
("Freshness Burger." "Ness Burger.")
Bose: Now. I let Picky join in...
("I don't remember this message." "'Hear a buzz...'")
Bose: I hear.
Toda: A humberger in a dust bin.
(the meteor shines)
Itoi: The first spectacle.
("A important scene.")
Itoi: Here he is.
Bose: "I'm a beetle..."
Itoi: "I mean, I'm not!"
(Itoi eating hamburger and the noise of the paper heard)
("Buzz-Buzz adds '-ja' in the end.")
Bose: His message has a rhythm like speaking in this three lines.
("Bose praises the person next to him.")
Itoi: A conversation between poets.
Bose: It's easy to read.
Itoi: This conversation between us is good.
Bose: Does the manuscript of this message still exist?
Toda: Maybe it's in Itoi's office.
Bose: I'd like to see it.
Itoi: I had mostly thrown things like it.
Bose: I want to see...
("'I knew'...")
Bose: "...By my sharp intuition...JA!" He adds '-ja' in the next line. ...The way of making space is nice.
Toda: I still use that diamond mark in the head of sentences sometimes.
Itoi: I have remembered that and use it since I began using e-mail.
Still buzzing.
Toda: Why is he a beetle? He's neither alienlike nor future people.
Itoi: Good question.<1:02:45>
Itoi: Even I don't know.
Bose: The beginning is so weird.
Itoi: You will feel helpless since a bug is the fellow of a journey...a little a fly. I thought It's funny so he is a bug. If a dragon came by UFO and said he came from the galaxy, it's not so funny.
("We could say he was stronger than us.")
Itoi: Yes, yes.
("So he is the symbol which has a wisdom but a power.
Itoi: It's funny the fellow is light one.
("'I'll explain in detail later.'" "'Don't worry'.")
(Itoi chuckling)
("'But'...") (Buzz-Buzz asks whether Ness listened his story)
Itoi: No.
("Of course no.")
(members laughing)
("'Till dawn.'" "Itoi burst into laughter seeing the message written by himself.")
Bose: Adding "-ja!" ...This sentence says "dot, dot, dot, ja!".
Itoi: FUNNY!
Toda: Is there Buzz-Buzz's picture of official setting?
("There are figurines of official design.")
Toda: Not enemies.
("These are models of pictures in this game's operating manual.")
Itoi: Tottori-kun, who was Jun Miura's classmate and had lived with Miura, has preserved them.
Bose: Some time ago I touched and looked them, they are high-quality finished.<1:04:35>
Bose: Their surfaces are so smooth.
Itoi: Made by papier mache.
Toda: I prepared positives of them and sent them with material to the publisher every month.
Bose: I had seen such figurines in magazines always.
Itoi: I didn't want publishers to draw figurines and dot pictures by their own.
("You should see Master Belch's bottom...papier mache..." "Handmade.")
Bose: Made elaborately with papier mache...
("It's not made with papier mache. Something else kneaded.")
Itoi: Nagata-kun should call it in a joke.
Bose: They are well preserved.
Itoi: They're preserved closely in the duralumin cases.
Bose: Great.
Itoi: When we do a midnight disappearing act, we'll bring them.
Bose: "Story had been told...ja!"
Itoi: It's a burden to repeat the messages anymore.
Bose: Now, Buzz-Buzz tells us the major theme of this game... "I found it...ja!"
Itoi: We see this message again since we answered no some time ago.
Bose: It might change this time.
("Because this is Mother..." "It might do.")
Bose: ...I got it. "The important things are the wisdom, the courage, and the fellows."
Bose: "...I'll tell it in detail later...(chuckling)"
("'Let's go! Don't worry' is really good!")
Bose: "Yes."
("I'm thankful you listened my long story well.")<1:06:45>
Itoi: The meteor fell exaggeratedly and what he met was a bug like a fly.
("'It's a burden...'")
Bose: Pokey says it's a burden...
(Picky joins the party)
Bose: This is such a party.
("What kind of party?" "A bug is flying.")
Bose: You would think whether Ness would have him or not. I'll talk to him. (facing to Lier)
("'I'm going to tell you something...'" "Good sound is heard.")
Bose: Something mysterious. ...I'll back home.
("Buzz-Buzz is buzzing.")
Bose: There is a RPG and we're enjoying but...
(Starmen Junior appeared)
Itoi: "Long time no see." (saying like a beginner of speaking Japanese since the message was written in katakana) "From way back you have been eager to disturb Master Giyga's plan."<1:08:22>
Bose: He's speaking like a Korean...
Itoi: "But...Buzz-Buzz, give up now. ...You are not a hero but just a tiny bug-deesu (adding 'desu'). I'll knock you out!"
(the fight with Starman Junior begins)
Itoi: (Speaking like singing) Not only unnatural Japanese...Starman Junior...he's strong.
Itoi: Strong!
Pokey's using a person as a shield.
Bose: The attack was voided.
..."Pokey smiled friendly."
Itoi: Thinking ideas of using such a message was fun.
Bose: As for us, it bothers us. I would want to tell Pokey to go home.
("He simply beggs pardons.")<1:09:30>
Itoi: Pokey always acts like a coward.
("'Pokey played down any connection between them.'")
Itoi: I gee...
Bose: It's hard.
Itoi: Before I knew my glass is filled with coke.
("Buzz-Buzz is strong.")
Bose: Pokey still plays down any connection...Don't!
("Is the counter drum rolling?" "No." "We have to attack.")
Itoi: You win! ...You can say "Guts" but "Ishimatsu".
Bose: Guts, vitality, IQ...
Itoi: Not "Ogasawara" either...
("It much raised to 14.")
Itoi: We went over the hump. "Ah..." I'm longing for the word "killer".
Bose: -Ja!
Itoi: Hiragana is good indeed...Maybe, making this game made me use hiragana often.
("Mother fans, too.")
Itoi: Since I made video games, I became "hiragana-user". ... Hiragana makes people understood unexpectedly.
Bose: You couldn't use kanji so you had to use hiragana. ...Thus you changed the words to other?
Itoi: Of course, of course, of course. If the messages were spoken aloud and you couldn't understand them it's disgraceful. Words which we don't use as usual are once written using kanji, so I thought. "'Ashiki kokoro (evil heart)' ...can it go? ...It can!" Each time I had to judge how it would sound. Shoot, I've been too serious.
Bose: It's what we want to listen.
Itoi: You guys, forget my serious talk.
Bose: Considering that, katakana would go too.
Itoi: By using katakana I could make messages clearer.
Nagata: That tweet says you used the words "Enemy was calmed down!" not "You beat it!"
("'You punished it!'" "'Enemy was calmed down!'")
Bose: Buzz-Buzz is buzzing even in Ness' home.
Itoi: (facing to Mom)
Bose: Here it comes, croquette sandwich!
Itoi: Mom will serve it, thanks!
Bose: Yes, favorite food was croguette sandwich... "Pokey-kun hates CS, you doesn't?"
Itoi: He does.
Bose: "Disappointing."
Itoi: She dislikes Pokey a little. Adults show such a reaction.
Bose: (facing to the dog) You came back home some time ago... "You can call me selfish dog"...I want to see the message again.
("What are you saying..." "He won't join us." "That's all.")
Itoi: You can call Dad.
Bose: I'll. ..."This is Dad." ...Oh, his previous call means that. ...This sum is real, thinking back on it now.
Itoi: It would raise outrageously later.
Bose: I'll save. ...I got it.
Itoi: "Good night."
Bose: "You're a sticker, take it easy." is great message.<1:13:39>
Toda: Isn't Dad a sticker?
Itoi: Dad is my avatar.
("'You're a sticker being like your Mom.'" "'Click, beep, beep, beep...'")
Bose: Being said to be a sticker moves me when I've played various games.
(entering Pokey's home)
Itoi: Now, go home Pokey.
(being about to face Pokey's Mom)
Bose: Oh... I'm scared.
("...Scared!" "In a sense she's scarier than Moonside." "She'll scold them.")
Bose: She'll purnish.
("'Do-erai (enormous)'...")
Bose: Dad calls his sons brats!
Nagata: His home is terrible.
("Oh...the brothers are about to be purnished." "Pokey will be hit for two seconds.")
(hip-slapping sound is heard)
Itoi: Dreadful.<1:14:33>
Bose: He's disagreeable...
Nagata: I wrote what a part in Mother is the most dreadful in the serial and I wrote about this in whole one part.
Bose: Buzz-Buzz is still buzzing...
Itoi: Are users watching the same screen? ...Real-time?
Nagata: Yes. They are.
Itoi: Nice.
Nagata: In the corner of this screen we are shown.
Itoi: So it would be all right if we said nothing.
Nagata: This is this.
(Nagata brings Itoi a sort of device)
Bose: We are in the bottom.
Itoi: Oh...this is exciting.
"We're really unfortunate..."
Bose: She's saying such a it comes!
Bose: Critical, critical, critical! ...Critical!
(Pokey's Mom hits Buzz-Buzz)
Bose: Unexpected, unexpected, likely unexpected situation.
("It's nothing except for Mother.")
Bose: Mother shows such a thing...
("'I was weaker than I thought.'")
Bose: Some time ago he was such strong.
(Itoi chuckles)
("He's beaten..." "Great.")
Toda: I wish I played this not knowing the story.
Itoi: I remember...(saying seeing Buzz-Buzz starts saying his will)
("This scene is great!")
Itoi: ...Moving...
("It's lucky of you he tells about it (about the eight places only for Ness).")<1:16:34>
Bose: That was Giant Step...
("'-JA!'" "The answer would be..." "No.")
Bose: We have to read it repeatedly, having answered no.
("It's important." "Great indeed.")
Bose: Buzz-Buzz is saying great things but it's funny.
Nagata: Plus he tells such a story of a big scale using simple graphic of dots and text. ...That tiny thing of a few dots is saying it.
Itoi: Funny.
(Buzz-Buzz asks whether Ness understands or not)
Bose: ...Yes. He praised me.
Itoi: If we answered no again, he would tell that again?
Itoi: "I'm about to die"..."I'm about to die"...(laughing) ...Oh...what a relief.
Toda: At the last moment.
Itoi: If he dies sooner, I won't get the stone.
Bose: The story would end now.
Itoi: How tiny is the stone a tiny body brought?
Bose: If we wouldn't get it...This starts with great story.
("'Great item-ja. You're glad, aren't you?'" "What a scope!")
Itoi: "A sate...(Now,)" An announcer of NTV used that phrase.
(Buzz-Buzz asked whether he should tell the story again)
Bose: ...Yes. ...He won't die easily.
("How funny!")
Bose: Dots of message appeared.
Itoi: He's about to die, you know.
Bose: Great, he tells me as many times as I want.
Toda: This is following the game designer's needs. This message is important...
("So you should make this message be able to be read as many times as players want.")<1:18:37>
("If you won't read it properly...")
Nagata: Twitterers are lively.
Bose: "Buzz-Buzz doesn't seem to be dying..."
Itoi: Sad scene.
Itoi: "Do you want to listen to me once more?"
Bose: No, enough.
Itoi: Ahh...this scene is moving.
Bose: Moving.
Itoi: (The scene) makes me happy. Older-bro or younger-bro-of-Miuras typed it and said it was moving. I was so happy to hear that. ...Music is good, too.
Bose: He vanished!
("The atmosphere of terrible home returns.")
(talks to Pokey's Mom and goes by)
Bose: I hate if she could scold us.
Itoi: Talk to Pokey's Dad!
Bose: Ugh... He could be angry and say brats.
Itoi: "Come on..."
Bose: He said he has lent less than gazillions...
(Ness leaves Pokey's house)
("Now this music plays...")
Itoi: It's a beginning of an adventure!
Bose: Wow! Delightful! (members clapping)
Itoi: The morning has come.
Bose: Has come...
Itoi: Some time ago it's said staffs wondered whether they should make that situation be in the night or daytime.
Bose: It should be in the night of course!
("Twitterers are clapping!")
Itoi: Thank you! ...Toda told a lie, you see!
Bose: Here he comes suddenly! "I rush fast and take a picture fast. So I'm a genius photographer." He comes in the very beginning. Such an atmosphere had come down to me.
Itoi: "Cheese, sandwich! ...This picture will be one of your best memories."
Bose: got to me. Great!
Itoi: Now we go home. ...Eat please.
(controller brought back to Itoi)
Bose: I'll eat.
Itoi: I'll run it for you.
Bose: Playing till this we would find this game is different.
Itoi: This time he'll eat croquette sandwiches, see?<1:21:12>
Itoi: He'll recover fully. ...Oh! I confused this with Mother 1. In that game, the hero gets the bat in the barn.
Nagata: In the first, the desk lamp would attack him.
Toda: The key was in his dog's collar.
Itoi: If I mix M1 and M2, it'll be Mother1.5. (finding the dog) I'd let the dog M3. Oh, the dog won't come along with me. ...Solitude...Solitude!
Bose: Suddenly...
Itoi: I became lonely. Oh! (Ness almost encounters Runaway Dog) Ohhhhh. I succeeded to avoid him, hehehe.
Toda: The crow.
Bose: Spiteful Crow moves quickly.
Itoi: Ahhh.
(encounters to Spiteful Crow)
Toda: If you allow your back, the enemy will attack you before you do to him.
Bose: Since the system wasn't explained, some people will wonder it. The screen would turn red and they'd know anyhow.
Itoi: I won't explain.
Toda: ...The system is told near the library. If you allow your back, the screen turns red.<1:22:36>
Itoi: That's told as a hint. (...) Oh, a gal. "In the library I would learn a lot." ...You can know about Mother2 there a lot! "These days you can borrow the map free." It's here...(entering the library) ...Oh, the music, music. "Hi!"
Bose: "A man who doesn't even have a map can't be popular with girls."
Itoi: This contains maps except maps which are not contained. ..."It's the blue button you know." This button is not blue! Wii U doesn't have it.
Nagata: Staffs left it untouched intentionally.
Itoi: She said it's button X. ...Okay! (facing to an old man) ...Mister! Oh, he's talking about the place I'll have to go later.<1:23:53>
Itoi: ...This man...(talking to a masked man and getting not proper response) can't be a help. ...Eat, please.
Bose: Mach Pizza...
Itoi: Is the venus behind us eating it? Okay.
Bose: Croquette Sandwich...
Itoi: She wants it? ..."These days many, UFO! (saying UFO being aware of Pink Lady, a singer group)" (facing to blond boy) ...Yep, it's just a illusion! (Trying to talk a girl with a hat) ...Oh, yes, here is the library. Hotel...he says useful things. (A girl of pigtails tells about telephones)
("Oh, it is.")
Itoi: Sort of information. I remember...this game has such a system. What is it like in this room? Will there be a skeleton? ...No! (Trying to talk to a lady) Wrong angle. "The law of hotels - if you pay a hotel bill,"... "Come-back is free but PP goes to zero. After the come-back..."
Nagata: They kindly tell us things we would know later.
Toda: We didn't make those messages too clear.
Nagata: Is this the bgm of the hotel or department store?
Toda: We used it in both of them.
Itoi: The music is mainly for department store. Sorry we used same music in the library!<1:26:17>
Toda: Merry library...
Itoi: I was wrong.
Bose: Had you had a fight with the capacity?
Itoi: I don't know about it.
Nagata: You used much capacity with music, didn't you?
Toda: I did.
Bose: You had to do it.
Toda: Forty-two...forty-four megabytes?
Bose: You go there already?
Itoi: The hide-out.
Bose: Sort of tree house,
Nagata: Tree house.
Itoi: I like tree houses.
Itoi: I got a cap already.
Nagata: "Mister's cap"...
Itoi: I thought here is the place to come later. ...See? I got here such easily. What a mistake!
Nagata: It can be so.
Itoi: "You misunderstood "...misunderstood what? ...About him saying "I love you "! ..."Lovely..." No, no, this is...
Bose: You like to write such a thing.
Nagata: You surprise players with a line and...
Bose: What's he saying!
Itoi: He becomes funny again! "Say hello to her."
Bose: I'll wonder whether he is an adult or a child.
Toda: You had finished writing the message at that point.<1:28:01>
Itoi: Yes. I had. ...I happened to come here.Oops, I entered again.
(leaving the hide-out)
Itoi: Giant Step... Oh, guramo (mogura, mole in Japanese).
Nagata: You mean a mole...
Toda: He'll tell that.
Itoi: "See? The point is..." Toda-kun remembered he wrote this.
Nagata: Nineteen years later, I know.
Itoi: Toda is good at writing messages to tell things as a hint. ...It's his style. "Oh, no, no, your sight will be..." and so on. It's not written by myself. You wrote it as one of the finishing touches.
Toda: Yes.
Nagata: After the system was built.
Itoi: You like these words, like Ametaaalk (Japanese variety show on TV)?
Bose: In the progress, didn't you lose the sense of what scene you're writing? ...It's just like writing lyrics. I'd think a first line to a second line could make people understood and I'd listen and find it could make misunderstanding. I'd have to make it slow.
Nagata: Debugging is important.
Toda: I'd delete important parts of messages since I could remember them, so if someone read them for the first time, they look as if they have skipped.
Bose: Could you add that message in the early time of developing?
Itoi: - yes.
Toda: This mentions some important keywords just once. I tried to make characters say them more times.
Bose: As you reduce them, only one character would mention it.
Itoi: I think it's not much important, but there could be inconsistencies so it's a burden.
Nagata: By such mistake, this must be not understandable though you took five years to make it.
Bose: It'd be said "What was that?".
Toda: On the other hand, words could make it easy to express and we could do many things with them.
Bose: But too much explanation would make us tired. It's difficult.
Itoi: I'll let him eat cookies.
Bose: You have many goods already.
Nagata: His HP is in danger!
("While we talk useful things...")
Bose: He should eat more!
Itoi: But these...
Bose: He have to eat more!
Nagata: Each recovery is little.<1:30:46>